Apostrophe Communications, LLC

Marketing your small business

without sacrificing your integrity.

Apostrophe helps people like you find your place in the local market, get seen, and form genuine customer connections. That means you can do what you love, increase your sales, and not feel icky about how you did it!

“‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things are helpful. ‘All things are lawful,’ but not all things build up. Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor… So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:23–24, 31, ESV

Market Research

Apostrophe identifies your competitors, your customers, and what makes your small business stand out.

Marketing Strategy

Apostrophe builds on this market research to design a plan for connecting with more customers.

Marketing Implementation

Apostrophe gets into action, using digital and traditional marketing to achieve genuine results for your small business.

Not sure where to start?

Send me a message, and I’ll walk you through it!

Katie Scalf, Owner

Clients love Apostrophe because I choose authentic marketing solutions that embody their brand. And they keep coming back because I'm dedicated to integrity, only using marketing methods that jive with their business and their conscience!

Small-Business Marketing in Greencastle, Pennsylvania


I'm Katie, the owner of Apostrophe. I'm so glad you're here!

If you're reading this, you're probably sick of mind games, tricks, and icky marketing tactics, and you want a better way to increase your sales, decrease your stress, and still sleep well at night.

You're in the right place!

I specialize in doing just that—growing your business without sacrificing your integrity.

My love for God and people guides how I approach business, both for Apostrophe and for my clients. In fact, when I sit down to work, the first thing I do is pray and commit my time to Christ (Prv. 16:2–3). My hope is that my heart position before God allows him to be glorified in the way I interact with my clients, how I represent them to the world, and the results my work produces.

If that sounds like how you like to do business, we might be a good fit!

Get to know Apostrophe better from our feature on GoSolo.

Katie is very professional and totally understands the client that she is promoting. She asks intelligent questions that bring out interesting feedback. A wonderful experience with great results.​

Chris Johnston, owner of the shop 

in Greencastle, Pennsylvania


Click an image to view one of my previous projects.


When you reach out, our first step will be to have a discovery call. That’s a free, no-commitment, 15-minute chat. This gives us a chance to meet and see if we’re a good fit.

After that, we’ll schedule an initial consultation. This is a longer meeting or call, usually 45 minutes, in which I’ll ask a bunch of questions about your business and what you want to accomplish with marketing. This lays the groundwork for the market research I’ll conduct on my own and for the strategy I’ll design for your business.



Initial consultations are $200, which covers the meeting time, my independent research, and a custom marketing strategy, delivered as a multi-page PDF.

The final step is to implement the strategy. Depending on your business, that might include one-time deliverables like a new website design, fresh logo, or brand photoshoot. Or it might include ongoing services, like social media management.



The cost of implementation varies based on what’s included, but it can be tailored to fit most budgets. Ongoing services are contracted and paid on a monthly basis. 

Together, you and I will monitor the results of the present strategy, celebrate the successes, and improve wherever we can!

Schedule your discovery call today!